Childcare services for school-age children must now register with Tusla, the Child and Family Agency. School-age childcare services have not previously been subject to registration or regulation, so this is a significant step forward in ensuring quality school-age childcare. School-age services must register with Tusla if their primary purpose is to care for children where their parents are unavailable.
All services that currently provide childcare for school-age children must have applied for registration and are urged to start this process straightaway if they have not yet done so. New services must apply for registration at least 3 months before opening.
School-age childcare services that are registered will be eligible to apply to participate in the forthcoming National Childcare Scheme. It is particularly important that any standalone school-age childcare service wishing to take part in the National Childcare Scheme and who has outstanding information required by Tusla should furnish this information to Tusla as soon as possible to ensure registration in time to go into contract for the National Childcare Scheme.
If you need support in preparing your application for Tusla-registration or submitting supplementary information to Tusla, please contact your local City/County Childcare Committee (see for details).