Resources for Childcare Professionals

The Access and Inclusion Model (AIM) is a model of supports designed to ensure that children with disabilities can access the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Programme. Its goal is to empower pre-school providers to deliver an inclusive pre-school experience, ensuring that every eligible child can meaningfully participate in the ECCE Programme and reap the benefits of quality early years care and education.

The Child and Family Agency was established on the 1st January 2014 and is now the dedicated State agency responsible for improving wellbeing and outcomes for children. It represents the most comprehensive reform of child protection, early intervention and family support services ever undertaken in Ireland

Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth – Early Learning and Childcare supports

Early Childhood Ireland is the largest organisation in the early years sector. We represent 3,800 childcare members, who support over 100,000 children and their families through preschool, afterschool, and full day-care provision nationwide. Our work includes quality enhancement, publications, advocacy, training, business support & information for a sector that employs 25,000 people today.

First 5 is a whole-of-Government strategy to improve the lives of babies, young children and their families. It is a ten-year plan to help make sure all children have positive early experiences and get a great start in life.

The Health and Safety Authority (HSA) has overall responsibility for the administration and enforcement of health and safety at work in Ireland.
They monitor compliance with legislation at the workplace and can take enforcement action (up to and including prosecutions). We are the national centre for information and advice to employers, employees and self-employed on all aspects of workplace health and safety.
The HSA also promotes education, training and research in the field of health and safety.

LINC is a free higher education blended-learning programme designed for early childhood teachers working in early learning and care, to promote the inclusion of all children. After completing the programme, graduates will carry out the role of Inclusion Coordinator.

The National Childcare Scheme is a landmark new Scheme for Ireland. It is the first ever statutory entitlement to financial support for childcare. It establishes an equitable and progressive system of universal and income-related subsidies for children up to the age of 15. It also provides an innovative and user-friendly online application process to access those subsidies.

NCN exists to support the achievement of national quality standards in all areas of service delivery, including areas covering governance, management and holistic play based learning that enhances children’s health, well-being, learning, and development.

Pobal works on behalf of Government, and in conjunction with communities and local agencies, to support social inclusion and local and community development.

QQI is the state agency responsible for promoting the quality, integrity and reputation of Ireland’s further and higher education system

Children First E-Learning Programme
Mandated Person eLearning module