The Early Years Unit has completed the ‘Rules for DCYA Childcare Funding Programmes’ 2018/2019 document in consultation with stakeholders. This reviewed document will be published on the DCYA website today. This document pertains to the 2018/2019 programme year. The layout of this document has been revised with the first chapter now reflecting the fundamental rules common to all childcare programmes. Subsequent chapters outline the rules for each individual childcare programme.
Some important points to note:
Relevant to all programmes:
· The importance of attendance records rule has been further emphasised and reiterated in each chapter.
· The implications of inadequate attendance records are stated clearly stated
Relevant to ECCE
· The change to ECCE entry points to a single entry point in September as per Budget 2018 is reflected in the document.
· The administration of Higher Cap has been transferred to Pobal and is reflected in the document.
· The increase in ECCE funding as per Budget 2018, and how it should be managed, is reflected in the document.
· Any changes to ECCE hours, e.g. from mornings to afternoons, must be agreed by parents.
· At the point of programme registration, a service provider may prioritise registrations for those availing of a five day week of ECCE over those registering for fewer days. A service provider may not displace a child availing of a shorter week in favour of a child applying for five days of ECCE after their ECCE registration is complete.
Relevant to CCS/CCSP:
The API Key has been introduced for DEASP validation for these childcare schemes, which is a direct electronic link into the DEASP systems utilising the parent and child’s PPSN. This means there will no longer be a requirement to attach eligibility documentation for an initial CCSP registration .
There are no further changes to the rules in except to the order in which the rules appear.