Notice: Clarification with regard to the availability of the Universal Childcare Subsidy through the Community Childcare Subvention Plus  (CCSP)
Childminders registered with Tusla will be permitted to sign up to the Community Childcare Subvention Plus (CCSP) Grant Agreement 2017/2018.
Please note that only the CCS Universal element will be available to childminders under this agreement.
To sign up to the grant agreement, childminders should contact their local City/County Childcare Committee.
How to Guide with regard to PAU, Certification and Online Contracting for the grant agreement  is also available on the Pobal website under “All Programme Information” and by clicking on CCSP 2017/2018
Information on the universal payment is available on . In summary if the child is aged between 6 months and the first eligible point of entry for ECCE (The next entry point after they turn 3) and is enrolled in Tusla-registered childcare, they are eligible for a non means-tested universal childcare subsidy of up to €20 per week.
EY Operations Unit

5th July 2017

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