Title: | 08/12/17 DCYA Notice re Severe Weather Warning |
Body: | The DCYA has been in close contact with the National Emergency Coordination Committee (NECC) which met today to plan for severe weather conditions expected over the weekend. While the severe weather is expected to affect only parts of the country, and schools and other services are broadly expected to be able to open on Monday, DCYA is asking childcare services to be aware of local weather warnings and travel restrictions that may affect their service on Monday.
The safety and welfare of children, staff and parents should be carefully considered by each service. Should the conditions worsen to an extent that schools decide to close, childcare providers similarly effected by the weather conditions should note that Clause 12 of the Grant Agreement for DCYA programmes refers to Force Majeure and the fact that services forced to close will be paid for children registered for current schemes. Please contact Pobal through online support or your local CCC should you require support in relation to this process.