September Readiness 2017/2018

Contracting and Payments Clarification


The final contracting deadline for all programmes remains at 22nd August.


However, due to the volume of contracts and payments to be processed we have identified a number of preliminary payment windows. If services wish to be included in the first preliminary payments then contracting must be completed as per the table below.  Further preliminary payments will follow in the coming weeks.



Programme 1st Preliminary Payment date Earlier contract date (in order to be included in 1stPreliminary payment) Subsequent Preliminary payment dates:
ECCE 25th Aug 11th Aug 1st, 8th Sept
CCSP 18th Aug 11th Aug 25th Aug
CCS 18th Aug 11th Aug 13th, 27th Oct

10th,24th Nov

TEC 25th Aug 22nd Aug None
CCSU No preliminary Payments No preliminary payments No preliminary payments



In addition, services must be in contract before registrations can commence (see table below)


Programme Date programme opens for registrations
ECCE 21st Aug
CCSP 21st Aug
CCS 18th Sept
TEC 28th Aug
CCSU 21st Aug



ECCE Higher Capitation Application Process 2017/2018

Information in relation to the Higher Capitation Application process for 2017/2018 will be available within the next week via the DCYA website.


Please review the individual programme information for further details

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