As you are all aware, the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) came into force on 25 May 2018 and all organisations are responsible for ensuring that they are meeting their obligations under the GDPR. Of course, Data Protection legislation has been in force for quite some time and there is an obligation on all of us to ensure that we are compliant with all relevant legislation.
However, in response to concerns within the Early Years sector relating to GDPR readiness, the Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA) is offering complimentary online General Data Protection Regulation Training to all childcare services to support you in meeting your Data Protection obligations. This training is designed and delivered by iHasco.
Course content:
This training will take approximately 40 minutes to complete and consists of tutorial videos and a separate test at the end. Slides may be viewed as often as you wish. Each service has only one credit for the course (i.e. the test may only be completed once) so only one email address may be used to access the course. Each service should consider who is the most appropriate person to complete the test at the end of the training. Each service can come in and out of the training as required until you have passed the test at the end. The default pass mark for the test is 60%. Once that mark is achieved you cannot retake the test. Each service will get a certificate on successful completion of the test.
Accessing the training:
The training is available on the following link until 23 October 2019: Only an email address is required to log in. Each service should ensure they read iHasco’s Privacy Notice and Terms and Conditions.
DCYA hold no responsibility for the content of the course. It is at the discretion of each service whether they choose to complete the training. DCYA is not in a position to provide individual GDPR advice. Further details on GDPR and Data Protection can be found on the website of the Data Protection Commission:
This online training is offered as a support for services in relation to GDPR obligations, and provides a high level overview of the principles of GDPR. Services will need to assess what further actions they may need to take to ensure they are fully informed of their responsibilities in relation to GDPR in an early years context.