The National Childcare Scheme was launched on Wednesday, 20th November and many of you will now be submitting returns on a weekly basis. Below are some useful reminders regarding returns:
  • Returns must be submitted on a weekly basis for all children attending your service who are registered for the National Childcare Scheme.
  • Returns for the previous week will become available for submission on the Early Years Hive each Sunday at 23.30 and need to be successfully submitted by the following Wednesday at 23.30 in order for payments to reach your registered bank account by the following Friday.
  • Any returns submitted outside of this timeframe will subsequently be processed the following week as a result.
  • Please see the Returns quick guide on the Early Years Hive for assistance on how to submit a return.
  • Two new attendance tracker tools have also been added to the Programme Information section of the Early Years Hive; a 5-day version and a 7-day version. It is not a requirement for service providers to use these tools, however, you may find them helpful for keeping accurate attendance records for the children attending your service.
If you need any further clarification, please contact your local CCC or the Early Years Provider Centre on 01 511 7222 /
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