‘Inclusive Play’ helps make pre-school accessible to all
Over €3 million investment boosting resources to over 6,000 pre-school rooms
Statement by Minister Katherine Zappone
More than 6,000 ‘Inclusive Play’ packs are being distributed free to pre-schools across the country.
The Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Dr. Katherine Zappone is confirming that distribution of the packs is underway under the Access and Inclusive Model (AIM) which is working to make pre-school accessible to all children.
The packs are designed to enhance children’s experience and promote inclusive play.
Speaking today, Minister Zappone said:
“Inclusive Play is another great addition to the Access and Inclusion Model.
In the coming weeks, these resources, which represent an investment of more than €3 million, will be delivered to all pre-school offering the ECCE programme.
These resources will add to the range of resources already offered and will improve pre-school for all children.
Resources have been chosen for their inclusive play value, for their open ended opportunities and, most importantly, for their appeal to young children.
A short introductory guide has been developed and will be delivered with the resources. A set of short videos has also been produced to demonstrate just some of the benefits of and uses that can be made of these resources. These can be viewed on the AIM website (www.aim.gov.ie)“