“Minister Katherine Zappone T.D., Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, announced that the remaining provisions of the Children First Act, 2015 will commence on 11th December, 2017.
The Act includes provision to:
- Introduce mandatory reporting of child abuse
- Place a legal obligation on organisations providing services to children to prepare and publish a Child Safeguarding Statement.
Information to provide further detail has been compiled by the Early Years Child Protection Programme and we have attached this document in both Word and PDF format for your information. It is important that you read this document and that you share this information with your staff.
The Ealy Years Child Protection programme are currently updating materials and developing support documentation and Regional information sessions will be held in partnership with Tusla on the new legal obligations and will be open to all Early Years Services. Further details in relation to this will be circulated as it comes to hand.
In the meantime Child Protection Training from Saturday 14th October, will be paused pending the update of materials and support documentation.