Garda vetting:
Inspections are showing a continued trend of services with staff not garda vetted. Tusla are going to start escalating this non-compliances as per Q91 below, in addition if they come across a service with no staff garda vetted which they have, they will be closing the service until garda vetting is obtained. It is important for us all to get out remainders to all services as below.
It is extremely important for all staff to have garda vetting. Please see details from Tusla FAQ Question 91 below. It is therefore important to plan for potential relief staffing needs and to complete risk assessments for recruitment.
Q91. How does the National Vetting Bureau Children & Vulnerable Persons Act, 2012 impact on
my early years service?
A: From the 29th April 2016 it is a criminal offence not to have Garda vetting disclosure when working with children and vulnerable adults.
If a person was employed in a service before April 29th 2016 and when Tusla inspect and it is found that there is no Garda vetting disclosure, it will result in:
· A non compliance on the inspection report
· Conditions will be added to the registration.
Where new staff members commences in a service after the 29th April 2016 and the staff member has no Garda vetting disclosure on Inspection Tusla early years inspectorate will be asking the registered provider to remove the person from the service until the Garda vetting disclosure is received in the Inspectorate.