Notice: Publication of the revised ruleset for DCYA childcare funded childcare programmes (ECCE, CCS/P/R/T and TEC)


N.B. For the attention of all childcare providers      


The document DCYA Childcare Funding Programmes – Information and Frequently Asked Questions will be replaced with DCYA – Rules for DCYA Childcare Funding Programmes for the 2017/2018 delivery cycle.


The new document as with the old document forms the basis for PIP’s structures and for Pobal’s management of provider interactions, including compliance. The document has grown organically over recent years as programmes changed evolved and developed. The Information and FAQ document has presented challenges around clarity around the requirements which has frustrated both providers and programme oversight functions. It has also been very tied to process rather than principle.


The changes to 17/18 programmes – substantial increases in subvention rates and the introduction of a CCS Universal payment – made it timely to undertake a review of how DCYA presents and communicates programme requirements.


This document represents a considerable overhaul in terms of presentation and style. The development of the new ruleset took place under the following guiding principles:

  1. The ruleset would not substantively affect the current programmes. They would be constructed to clarify and reinforce existing arrangements.
  2. The ruleset would be separate from operational guidance documents (How-to guides, compliance guidelines, financial guidelines)
  3. The ruleset would follow a logical, concise and accessible structure.
  4. Rules would be, as far as possible, firm, definitive and not open to interpretation in meaning, scale or measurement.
  5. The document would be iterative, any changes would be communicated to all stakeholders, but the core document would be where the changes occurred. All other parties would link to the document and not download it to their own websites.

All services are asked to familiarise themselves with the rules. Local CCCs will be on hand to provide support as required.

DCYA will review feedback from the CCCs and other stakeholders on an ongoing basis to ensure that the document is fit for purpose and meets its primary purpose which is to ensure that everybody has a clear understanding of the programme need.

All feedback will be considered and reviewed by the Programme Policy and Operations Planning Group (PPOP) chaired by DCYA.

It is important to emphasise that this document will be subject to evolution to address emerging issues. As such, all stakeholders are strongly requested not to print down the guidelines or download them. I would request that only links are used to the DCYA website. We will ensure that they are up to date and current. We will also issue a notice of any substantive changes (i.e. other than typos, syntax, etc.) through the PIP system, along with the amendment to the core document.

The date of the current iteration will be on the front page at all times.

Queries around the operations of the programmes including the application of the rules should continue to be directed to your local CCC.

Queries on the publication and status of the rules may be directed to

The document is available on the DCYA website at the following link:


Note: the older Information and FAQ document will continue to be available for the 16/17 cycle and for legacy purposes.

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