Better Start Quality Development Service has been offering an on-site mentoring service to Early Years providers since February 2015. If you feel your service would benefit from the support of a Better Start Early Years Specialist you will be interested to know that we have recently revised our allocation criteria. Our priority continues to be to work with large full day care services; however we are aware that some areas have had little access to quality supports. Services will be considered for the support of an Early Years Specialist (subject to availability) if they meet any of the criteria below.
- Services catering for 20 full and/or part-time children with at least 40 children overall
- Group or chain providers with services under the same ownership
We also retain flexibility to respond to requests from services for support in exceptional circumstances. Sample reasons for why a service might be eligible for special consideration for support could include one or a combination of the following;
- Inspection issues
- Access to quality support has been very limited
- A combination of factors such as location of service, high levels of disadvantage, rural isolation or the needs/profile of children
- Significant staff turnover
There may be additional reasons that you or your local City or County Childcare Committee (CCC) would like to put forward to make a case for your service to be given special consideration for the allocation of support of an Early Years Specialist. These will be considered on a case by case basis. If you have any questions, please contact or call 01 5117888